Meaghan Cursons

Meg Cursons (and Cadence) - ETA marketing mistress & coordinator extraordinaire

Meaghan wants to build connected, healthy and progressive community and create a happier, more just and more hopeful world.

That’s all. Easy. However, she is not entirely sure how to achieve this.

She’s tried a few things so far: campaigning to end plastic bag and water bottle use, running for MLA, fundraising for local shelters, creating/marketing/coordinating music festivals, promoting local green and cultural tourism, serving as an elected school trustee, organizing conferences, creating youth employment projects, singing in a band, managing a Museum, facilitating participatory art projects, teaching board development, fire breathing, serving on local boards, falling in love, and having a baby. She’s not sure if any of these things are working yet so she’s going to keep trying.

Your thoughts on the Arts
What the Arts mean in my life/To my company?
Art and Culture are a huge part of my life. I see organizing and promoting as creative acts – they are my creative work. Art and culture help to make life beautiful and help us to transform our understanding of the craziness all around us. Even the ugliest, weirdest, hardest stuff has art in it. Art makes life bearable. Art makes life incredible. It provides such a amazing tool for making sense of our humanity – and our lack of humanity.

Creating and organizing art and culture events and projects are my passion. I love to do this with other people and see it as an incredible way to build community and strengthen our neighbourhoods, our relationships and our families.

To make music/art/create with another person and with your community creates vibrations that help to heal the world and make our souls soar. I really believe that.

How are we involved in the arts in the Valley?
This is a very VERY long list. Just ask me sometime.